political business cycle meaning in Chinese
- Business cycle is economy undulation that alternates by economy expansion and economy decline . after 19th centuary , economists nave constructed many theories on business cycle . and they have explained the reason and found the solvement of economy undulation . among them there are some typical theories , for example the theory of capitilism business cycle , of under - consumption or over - deposit , of unration of economy structure , of cycles of invention , of pure crisis of currency , of political business cycle
新中国成立后经历了10次经济周期,其中第10次经济周期正在形成。总观中国的10次经济周期,其基本特征是由改革开放前的大起大落型转变为改革开放后的高位? ?平缓型。除了上述共同特征外,每一轮经济周期都有各自不同特点。